About Us
About the California State Commanders Veterans Council (CSCVC):
Founded in 1966, the California State Commanders Veterans Council is recognized in state law as the collective voice for California’s major veterans service organizations. CSCVC supports veterans through advocacy efforts aimed at enhancing the rights, benefits, and well-being of California’s 1.6 million veterans and their dependents. Currently, 23 of the state’s leading veteran service organizations are represented on the Commanders’ Council.
Mission Statement:
The purpose of the California State Veterans Commanders Council shall be to promote the rights and benefits of veterans in the State of California. The Council may conduct advocacy efforts in the State Legislature in support of, or opposition to, proposed legislation concerning veterans’ rights, entitlements, and benefits. The Council may conduct similar advocacy efforts with the California Department of Veterans Affairs, the California Veterans Board, and similar state agencies, boards, and commissions, concerning veterans’ programs under the management of those agencies.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee of the CSCVC are the five officers annually elected by the membership to serve one-year terms. The Executive Committee is responsible for organizing and presiding over all CSCVC meetings; documenting meetings, records and tangible property; managing the Council’s finances; and tracking and giving recommendations on legislation related to the interests and well-being of state veterans.
Executive Officers:

Elmer Fred Green, Jr., LCDR, USN (Ret)
Past President, California Council of Chapters, Military Officers Association of America
Fred Green entered the Navy September 1973 and in November 1975 he was commissioned in the Navy. where upon he retired from the Navy in 1996. Following his retirement from active service, he worked in the defense industry and he taught public school for a bit.
He is the Past President of the California Council of Chapters of Military Officers Association of America (CALMOAA).
He is actively engaged in advocating for current and former military members and their families.

David West
Nevada County Veteran Service Officer, California Association of County Veterans Service Officers, Inc.
Bio Coming Soon

Jeff L. Breiten
Legislative Chair, Marine Corps League – Department of California, and 3rd Vice-President, Legislative Affairs for California Council of Chapters of the Military Officers Association of America
Jeffrey L. Breiten enlisted in the United States Marine Corps in December 1971 and ascended to the rank of Gunnery Sergeant before being honorably discharged in August 1980. Jeff later accepted a commission as a Naval Intelligence Officer, retiring at the rank of Lieutenant Commander.
Jeff is the past Commandant of Marine Corps League Detachment 1459 and past President of the Orange Empire Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America.
Jeff currently serves as the Legislative Chair for the Marine Corps League-Department of California and the 3rd Vice-President, Legislative Affairs for the California Council of Chapters of the Military Officers Association of America.
Jeff is a Life Member of the Military Officers Association of America, a Life Member of the Marine Corps League and a member of the American Legion.

Jim Anderson
Department Finance Officer, Military Order of the Purple Heart, Department of California
Jim have served on the California State Commanders Veterans Council since 2010 and was the Chair of the council for three years. He represents the Military Order of the Purple Heart, Department of California. Within the MOPH, Jim has been the Department Adjutant, Finance Officer, Commander and National Region Commander. He is again, currently the Department Finance Officer. Jim is also a member of the American Legion, DAV, and VVA.
Jim’s military service was from 1966 to 1970 with the US Navy as a Boatswain Mate obtaining the rate of E-5. Tour of duty was in or around Vietnam for three and a half years of hisfour-year active
duty. Jim also did one year in country base station in Da Nang where he was dispatched to Cue Viet as a skipper of a patrol boat, patrolling the Cue Viet River. In August of 1968 he hit a mine, sinking his boat but not losing any members of his crew. The balance of his in-country tour was back in Da Nang patrolling the Da Nang harbor and river.
Jim currently resides with his wife of 52 years in Bakersfield. He has two daughters, three grandchildren and two great grandchildren. He retired in 2007 from having owned my own business within the automotive industry.

Josh J. Baker
State President, California Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (CAL-EANGUS)
Josh J. Baker continues to serve part-time in the Air Force as a Chief Master Sergeant and is currently assigned as the Senior Enlisted Leader for the 195th Force Support Flight, 195th Wing, Beale Air Force Base, California. He is responsible for providing trained and ready forces, enabling a cohesive flight which provides Personnel and Services functions for a geographically separated wing which includes 5 Geographically Separated Units spanning 550 miles across California. CMSgt Baker is the advisor to the Commander on all matters influencing the health, welfare, morale, and effective utilization of enlisted members. Sergeant Baker entered the Air Force in March 2000. He graduated from the Security Forces apprentice course at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas in August 2000. During his six-year Active Duty commitment, he held various security, law enforcement and Base Honor Guard positions while assigned in Montana and Colorado. In 2006, he transferred to the California Air National Guard and filled a myriad of roles including Security Forces Squad Leader, Air Base Wing Honor Guard Superintendent and Squadron First Sergeant. He was deployed two times in support of Operations IRAQI FREEDOM and ENDURING FREEDOM and deployed once during a state of emergency to support the State of California during Operation LIGHTNING STRIKE. Prior to his current position, Sergeant Baker served as the Human Resource Advisor, 195th Wing, Beale Air Force Base, California.
Outside the uniform, Josh has served as the President of the California Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (CAL-EANGUS) since 2019. He works tirelessly to advance the mission of CAL EANGUS, fostering unity, professional development, and legislative advocacy for Guardsmen across the state. With a passion for service, he ensures that the voices of enlisted Guardsmen are heard at both the state and national levels, driving positive change and securing benefits for those who have dedicated themselves to protecting our nation. Josh concurrently currently serves as the Vice-President of EANGUS (Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States), bringing a wealth of experience and dedication to the national organization. In this role, he is deeply involved in shaping and supporting initiatives that advocate for the rights, benefits, and overall welfare of enlisted National Guard members across the United States. Josh collaborates with leadership, members, and policymakers to ensure that the voices of Guardsmen are heard and that their contributions are recognized through meaningful legislative efforts and support programs.
Josh serves as a Veteran Outreach Leader for Team Red, White & Blue (Team RWB), a national organization focused on enriching the lives of veterans through physical and social activities. In this role, he is committed to building strong connections within the veteran community, fostering camaraderie, and providing resources that empower veterans to lead healthy and fulfilling lives. With a passion for service, he works to engage veterans in activities that promote wellness, leadership, and community involvement, helping to ensure that veterans stay connected and supported after their service.
Josh also maintains affiliations with: The Air Force Sergeants Association, Life Member, American Legion, Past Vice Commander, Post 383, Fair Oaks, CA, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Junior Vice Commander and Trustee, Post 6604, Folsom, CA.